Thursday, 20 August 2020

Of unsang ballads..

This is a ballad

For the lost souls

The silent  

The people who truly love and are not loved back

A ballad for the broken

For the pure at heart and kindest souls

A ballad for the night.

Scars, pain and shame from past 

Is what consists most of our beauty.

So much that we have lost gone by to prepare us the most beautiful of futures unknown.     ....

We have looked into the eyes of death 

Walked hand in hand with fear and

Shook the hands of pain raining tears.....

Burnt our past to the love we lost

Dried the tears we shed dripping on the floor 

Searing pain, unending thoughts and hurtful reminders of nothingness.

This is a ballad for our moment,

Our only moment to correct and be better,

To accept and try again

To be confident and content,

To love the best way that we can and share with everyone who needs a care...

This is a ballad for you..

To try and make the world even better...

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Nothing Lasts forever

 Time flies

Things change

Troubles end

Night falls

Sun shines

Love dies

Death arrives

Nothing lasts forever.....

I have fallen out of Grace

Floating into outer space

No longer trying to win your heart and attention...

No reason to stay

Nothing more to say but 

nothing lasts forever....

Tell me lies

Things I want to hear

Feed on my fear

Of not wanting to fall deep in love....

There's a clog in my heart, of fire and ice....

Never felt it there until I started losing you...

It was until then I realised that magic fades too fast and good times aren't permitted to last...

Nothing stays the same.

I guess it's time to refresh......

Nothing lasts forever.

Oh good grief

 Oh good grief... So this has been and can never be again? Here I am swallowing grief down my tongue Dancing to the melodic torture of the g...