Monday 25 July 2016


You should hurt a little or even more and feel the pain run deep within your soul,
fall madly inlove with the wrong people all over again,
love them so hard,get disappointed and hurl whispers within that heart of yours.
You should move around and fit right into the wrong places,
be a joke and make someone laugh at you.

You should be tamed and pushed right into a corner,
how else will you learn to stand alone?
Go on and make mistakes, do a few wrong things,
how else will you learn from life's many lessons?
Run into walls and fall hard enough so u can learn how to miss them the next time..

It's okay to fold and lock yourself up and cry for  everytime you get used,
learn to forgive untill you see a brighter side of the situation,
or how else will you know how others feel?

No one has an alibi to prove to earth that they don't deserve to go through everything they do, be it good or bad.
You should go through the hardships that your maker alloWS you to ,
only then will you know how it feels,
Always know and believe that , on one fateful day,
everything will add up and the right things, people, moments and situations will fall into place.

Saturday 23 July 2016

Note from the inside

I am like the soil on the ground...
some people continuously step on me,
they don't see my worth, its invisible and
ignored, completely written off their minds.....

Well, for others, they pick me up,
But only to use me for their own benefits....
they keep me for aslong as they need me.

Some though, they only pick me up to use me
and throw me back on the ground,
they hit and run as I become useless....

Only a few pipo understand and fully know my worth and importance,
they know how hard I can build and stick on the ground regardless of the weather
so these, they keep me closely attached to their minds,
they may want to plant something later
they water me continuously...

The winds of life blow me away to different directions but thereafter,
I settle still on this very ground..  
the rains from my past try to wash me away,
but even if they have and still do,
I end up somewhere on the same ground
just in a different place with different strengths.

I appreciate those that sweep me away,
the winds that blow me away and the rains that wash me away to different places,
maybe, its for my own good....

Maybe they push me right in the place am supposed to be,
where I can be fruitful and help the abandoned  seeds (talents and abilities) grow.....

I am that type of soil  that will stick to the ground,
regardless of the situations m faced with,
strongly believing that one day, just someday,
il be able to grow something from the nothing that I may seem to be.

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Notes from me

U may be looking around tirelessly,
 waiting on time relentlessly for that moment and the special person to fulfil everything you have dreamt of, planned for and waited on almost all the years of your life.

You have waited, hoped, dreamt, planned and prepared  now all that is needed
is that someone to sweep you off your feet, to motivate you, tell you that yes you can do it, and put off those thoughts that make you sore to the core of your existence,
and that rightful moment to blow your covers and show the world what you are made of....

Well I want to tell you that no one can understand you better than you,
no one can motivate u better than the inner you, all you got to do is look for you,
look on the inside and find yourself...
Stop looking and waiting for anyone else to help you live your  life better. Because the only person that can really make you complete is YOU and the rightful moment to do it is NOW!πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

What Money Cannot Buy

Freedom to sing Freedom to speak Freedom to seek Freedom to write Freedom to Feel Freedom to Love Freedom to be who you want to be Freedom t...