Saturday, 20 January 2024

On Someday Isle

Someday you will leave that unhappy house and never look back 

And I believe that someday,

you will be happy again, you will be free and you will be okay with being you.

I hope that someday your eyes meet the love of your life and never have to part again. 

I hope that you can be with someone else that will love you more than you ever dreamed of. 

Someday, you will find someone whose words form a bandage which mends your wounds.


Someday, all your dreams will come true and everything you ever wanted will happen. Someday, you will inspire others through your stories.

Someday you will realize that you are indeed an amazing person and they will miss you like you missed them, 

someday you will understand why things happened the way that they did and someday, 

you will learn how to love yourself again.

I hope that that day starts today.

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