Tuesday, 9 January 2024

Of Letters. To The Girl

To the girl fighting for life and still loving so hard when all around you broke you,

Darling, you are beautiful, and this world deserves your heart.

To the girl fighting battles silently and still giving out their best ....

You delight the hearts that you touch and your smile is more beautiful than the stars. Keep on smiling.

To the girl that has nothing but love and positive energy and compassion to give even when her world is falling apart,

The universe is deeply and madly in love with you.

Your kindness and strength make everything appear so visible, and darling your loveliness knows no bounds and the earth, 

It opens up with flowers to show for it. Flowers of love, strength, faith, passion, and energy unmatched.

To the girl reading this and looking for reasons to hold on, you are so beautiful this piece finds home in your heart. 

Hold on a little longer and one day. The universe will weave its rewards.

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