Friday, 11 March 2022

A beautiful being

 Lust and your eyes

Trust and your arms

Satisfying my desires

Comfort, joy, fun, connections and passion we shared so magically.

Expectedly happening again would be that radio silence but I am hoping that this could be more than some flings.

The perfect brilliance and feelings, still familiar, so threatening, the hum of anxious breaths and tongues and whispers consumes me as I teach my body and mind the absence of your presence. 

The thoughts of nothing more literally pulls me to the floor. The nights without you in my bed bring back memories of the nights with you in my bed and that comes back and clearly we had it all. All the fun, all the love, all the passion, all of the fire, all of the time and the best part of all of it Is you.

Now all that is there to hold is beautiful memories and  hope that somehow, someday and somewhere this could be alive again and my skin would finally feel the warmth of your embrace once more.

Until Love

 Until Love leaves it's holy temple,  Then only do you understand how people go from a pin bright moment into seperate lives..... When t...