Friday, 3 March 2017

This is me

I am a girl...
Black skin, brown eyes and kinky hair....
Clouded mind because I don't care that am imperfect,
 detached and not really scared....
I love every bit of my origin because I believe black is pure.....

Elegant, truthful, poised and precious...
Almost unrefined.....
I am an open book but only read by those who care..
Hard to please
Never really satisfied..

I grow in strength and Foundation each day
and through every heartache and pain...
With Limp emotions
Suffering from an emotional malediction..
I pray ernestly for benediction..
Replenishing my intergity with total resilience...

I am quite a romantic, sensual and passionate too...
To the love of my life, I can't wait to share this with you.....

I bend, yet I do not break,
I believe in my imaginations for no concrete reason....
I merge brightest on the shadow silhouetted
aggainst the Wallpaper placed right above my own ledge...

No one cares to see or know the inside of me,
Your perception is messed up
because all you care about is my looks and mistakes.
Notwithstanding my confidence still remains intact.....

There is only one me, and this is me, do not second guess......
Hurtful words do not phase me, for I listen but not hear....
Am defined only by one thing and it forever stands the word of God.....

So you see, whatever you think or say doesn't really matter to me.
I know who I am.💪🏽👌🏼

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