Wednesday, 2 August 2017

The City of Regrets

*The city of Regret*

The love is overworn, the birds of passion all flown, let me go hence, for solitude is now at hand.....

Your hands once touched this heart of mine
and I have seen thy fingers on my soul ....
These things probably don't matter to you
But your touch upon them will take long to wane....

Am desolate and sick of this old passion...
Music that I heard with you was more than just music
And the moments we spent together more than just moments...
All I wanted was to be loved, now I don't know how to react...
Because my mind has drastically become a city of regret....

My heart has become of winter
I have been cold too long..
It regards the frost and boughs of passion crushed into pain n regrets like snow...
For you once sought for me and slowly fleeing from me....
Ssuccessfully turned my heart into a city of regret

Tame and meek I have seen you,
And now you have become wild and probably don't remember......
.............. #tobecontinued

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