Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Also love....

They say love is patient and kind
But also the truth is love is messy, jealous, wild, angry and happy,   and not bold enough to stand.

Love is life, but also death...
Everything and sometimes also nothing.....
Love is the last person that trolled through your eyes,  made you feel safe and  smile
 through your soul and then left you bleeding on sores. Love is beautiful, but also love is a liar...

Love doesn't care if you want it or not, but also, love cares when you meddle your heart in it's business.
Love is easy and effortless, but also
Love is a hard stoned road not easy to walk through.

They say it will find you but really, love is just sitting there waiting for you to embrace it.
Love is beautiful and pure....but also, love is dirty, lustful and ugly. It makes you do just exactly what you shouldn't do.

Love is the soft spot in your heart for someone, even when they do not deserve it.
The pain of not wanting to have something because you feel someone else needs it more....

Love is not roses,
It will not leave you full but empty and wanting more.
Love is a risk worth taking but also quite a bitch.

It is the butterflies in your stomach
But also , knives through your chest.

Love is everything
But also

Monday, 25 May 2020

Of Obscure logics

Growing, constant..
My mind, forlagen.
I have found in recurring joy pain refined,
Neither of us is happy
Yet embedded in emotions of clay,
Bound to break each other and calling it love.

Pouring, glowing and burning.
That's me when I ramble through these thoughts of mine.
Trying to love right down the bone but am reminded carefully that I was told and learnt the hard way before,
Never to give all the heart for love. Wether it really is or not.

Our moments, very brief, dreamy and such a kind delight.
Never meaning more than should, equal affection never a sting  albeit coming with laughter, songs, and kisses to great commerce.

My heart in this very moment has began it's vigil though already embarked on really....
A little hope here and fear knowing fully that whatever I have done cannot be undone.
The love I dipped myself in cannot be dished out anymore,
It's messy, selfish and not as bold as I expected.

Not a minute too soon for my deflating balloon to settle down from wander.

Until Love

 Until Love leaves it's holy temple,  Then only do you understand how people go from a pin bright moment into seperate lives..... When t...