Tuesday, 20 July 2021

You will survive

Life is not easy and

People get busy while others struggle regardless of whether they are weak or strong

But to live and die as you begin is a great fall.

Never have to compete for love, money or fame

For these three can easily sway you to the grave

And all that's left is nothing to gain..

This is a common law of life.

Your future may seem grim

And the clouds over you may lose their flair

But haven't you heard that the more the storm, the more the strength?

And the beauty in pain is a treasure to gain even when our hearts are breaking?

Life is a battle

Not always won but we fight with all we have and one day,.

You will get things right.

If hope is a hand then here's mine to hold.

You cannot give up now

Look how far you have come

You will survive.

Saturday, 17 July 2021

Letters to Loulou












These are some of words that describe how you made me feel. 

For you, 

Tears have fallen in the presence of large bands as I freely opened my gates

For you

Hearts have fallen too

As you are a sight to behold,

Moving every heart in the room

Every heart of my heart.

With you 

I witnessed beauty that stuns forever 

Yellow flame flickers

Coal turned into gold

And the feeling of your body next to mine changed the river's course as our fates intertwined 

The color of your eyes

The curl of your hair 

The curve of your lips

The way you use your hands and the gift God has placed in them

Your beautiful personality

The joy in your smile

The feel of your delicate skin on mine

Your soft temperament 

The touch of your hand 

The display of colors our skins made when our bodies touched

The feeling of utter trust when our hands weaved

The time we apent alone and the time in complete silence

These are all of the things that made me feel sustained 

Now without you

Beautiful memories are incomplete

Stars are only but stars and the sound of the sea nothing but sound.

Without you 

The ocean bliss fades slowly to dread

And another life of uncertainty begins.........

Friday, 16 July 2021

Of Unthatched Realities

The first time I saw you, somehow the universe opened up and birthed life in my emotions....

A life so daring

A life I was unprepared for  to breed

A life of blissful damnation..

I watch as time allows for us to depart

While these memories of us attach to the heart....

I must admit that it's been a tough act to follow as I go from waiting to not waiting for you

From hoping you'd come knocking on my door to looking forward to nothing more

From missing you to realizing that I was never really yours and you mine.

The lack of your presence makes me un-at-peace with where I am

For in this moment my wish would be to lay here with you 

In your arms

Watching the stars

As the music dies

And we catch our last train to the coast.

But ever since the grip came to a hold,

Withholding affection seems to be a favourite of my garments as I never cease to wear it with pride

All the while my object of desire in the darkest hours for passion, love and gratification remains you.

Without attempt of attaching no fault to your name 

By dint of you I have known the heat of sensual fire...

Although we were not, we committed more than lovers

And this body and existence left overwhelmed with awaiting your presence.

All of the love that was made is more than a fire

A once in a life-love molochize

Burning to life a muse that seemed to have died.

Until Love

 Until Love leaves it's holy temple,  Then only do you understand how people go from a pin bright moment into seperate lives..... When t...