Sunday, 8 January 2017

Deep within

Long unloved, used, mistreated,
unnoticed and wanted in disguise
But never a moment were my emotions and ken of love ravaged......

Overwhelmed by pain, regret and infinite sadness
 caused by random but very special moments and a few words,
Just a few.....

My emotions are the speed of my tears,
Regardless of the wounds and scars chambered to my heart,
I feel the same, I long to love over again,
I have chosen forgiven than stress....

Absolute imagination remains the lover in my trance,
for mostly what I see coming back is my past...
No one really sees what my heart has yerned and wept for,
tender acceptance and total resilience...
So many things  go untold.........

No one pretty much knows my cover,
For I chose something much more resistant to trauma....
Regardless of my emotional drama,
I smile and laugh hard so they won't know what's under.....

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