Thursday, 19 September 2019

Hold on

Tick tok  tick tok
Sometimes it feels like time just stops...
Tick Tok  Tick Tok
One step at a time sometimes feels like pure failure...
Candles in the air blown out .

Tik tok  Tik tok
The sun slowly fades and visions become blurry
Dreams die a slow death in that sudden moment when all hope seems lost and the light that was guiding you went out...

Tik tok tik tok
When the time is ticking and old age creeping in....
You fee left out, no love, no drive, lost hope, slow life, bad luck, hard falls....
Screams so deep, a confusion deeply rooted to the brain..

But tik tok tik tok...
The time never stops moving,
Seasons will never be constant,
The universe will always be moving,
Winds will ner stop blowing, storms can never seize their flooding and the sun, it will never stop shining!

Tik tok tik tok
Pick up your hope
This is to remind you that the sun will never stop shining, keep striving until you make it happen.


  1. A song to hear sung by a bird t sunrise, the dawn source of inspiration! Like in the middle of the journey!

  2. A great truth that shows a clear way in the dark tunnel. Thanks this is life building.


Until Love

 Until Love leaves it's holy temple,  Then only do you understand how people go from a pin bright moment into seperate lives..... When t...