Wednesday, 18 September 2019

She #DiariesandEmotions

Over thinking
Profound recollection
Its suddenly getting dead to breathe.....

The conversations, the laughter, every moment, so sweet, so sour ...
A special part of her life.
The conviction of 
A difference slowly faded.....

Gently, carefully and beautifully placed was her love for you upon her heart .....
Silently, hopelessly and fearlessly  she loved you with every inch of her fibre...

She told you she loved you even when you hesitated to say it back...
Behind her love she was filled with shame..
And now its pain that comes creeping in heartlessly, unforgivably and meaninglessly.....
Love briefly misplaced by rage and denial...

At this point there's no time to try and no tears to cry as her strength increases by pain...
Taking her fears away and making them true is the worst thing you proudly achieved....

But I hope that one day you will see how strong and beautiful a broken piece will be mended, and she will not see you.
She will be fine
And she will be loved.

You are not the last
Believe me she will get over this past.


Until Love

 Until Love leaves it's holy temple,  Then only do you understand how people go from a pin bright moment into seperate lives..... When t...