Thursday, 19 July 2018

For all I know

Blood flows wild and slow...
Heart beats hard and fast....
Wind blows in every direction...
Night falls..
Dusk goes and paves way for dawn!
Love ends and passions die
But for all I know,
You're all I want....

Someone in this world is crazily thinking about you
Thinking about your smile and the sparkle in your eyes ...
How your lips move throughout every word you speak....
The calmness in your voice and warmth in your arms
 For all I know
I am thinking about the little time we spent together and how you turn out to be exactly everything I wish I had........

You're not mine
And maybe never will be....
When you finally leave me,  I will have to put up with heartache
I will write poems about you,
I will read back our conversations
I will take the train of memories alone and probably die inside again
But for all I know...

Am crazy about you and am ready to risk it all.....

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