Thursday, 21 November 2019

Here's to the black man!

Sculptured by the one who made the universe....
Bold, strong, and beautiful!
You are built to last like the Kilimanjaro.
The sun shines with joy just to kiss your skin....

Skin so perfectly toned like the mahogany, reflected in black gold....
Melanin so deep like the queen that gave you life. 
In Your deep brown eyes is a reflection of full love, strength and pain..
Your deep, dark and curly afro is beauty unmatched and unstoppable like the waves on the ocean....

Your arms are like brass , a place of safety and peace, and your smile, it shines like the stars....
The crescent moon is displayed gracefully when your lips curl and your voice is a melody so pure, that of an unheard healing song.

The world can never be prepared enough for you to succeed but you are the driving force that the Lord has appointed,
Potential husband and father, You are naturally KING!

Relentlessly striving to take care of your clan, taking after God's master plan....
YOU are second to none. The world is lucky and blessed to have you on this land because you are the backbone of what it has and will become!

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