Saturday, 11 January 2020

Thoughts of you

Been burnt before...
Never to miss how it feels to be wasted in smoke and ashes,...
Blown away from my senses, Lost stability,
But nonetheless

Here I am again
Slowly falling deeply in love
With the thoughts, hopelessly yearning and wanting nothing more than to feel that just.....
Maybe you'd feel the same way......
Am Deeply haunted by these
Thoughts of you....

The winds, the stars, shifting breezes, the rains, the beautiful blue skies or the dark nights, sounds of crickets under the moonlight, doorbell chimes, the rains dripping on rooftops, and the silence that comes with night now come with
Thoughts of you.

I do not know what it is about you that brings back these petals to life.
Nothing makes me happier than the friend I have found in you....
Not even the rains have so much power as
Thoughts of you.

My days slowly are becoming dreams...
Dreams of you my imaginary gorgeous nightmare..
Wishes upon wishes
I would succumb to your whims without contention...
Without regret.
There is nothing else I can happily think of, as my days are now crowded with rainy clouds of
Thoughts of you.


  1. Lisa you are just amazing indeed you're a born writer.
    THOUGHTS OF YOU is zwaaaaaaa

  2. Thank you Spencer, am absolutely humbled. So glad you like the piece.


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