Sunday, 14 May 2023

Life Lately

Life lately has been excitement and mystery impossible to resist....

Full of connections as strong as was true.....

Life lately

Has been holding on to happiness that I never really had.

Holding on to love that was never really mine.

Life lately 

Has been smiles struggling to be more than a just a grin

And laughter that barely held on to true happiness. 

Life lately

Has been magic...

To love so deeply, easily and truly, and now

It has started to disappear....

Life lately 

Had been living with a part of me,

Soft kisses and blissful moments and now....

It's time he let's me go.....

Life lately 

Has been dreaming of love, forever and how to live like that....

A million questions that where never really answered but now all I can do is ask myself how.

And Life lately,

Has finally been pain and deep connections and emotions flowing in waves of absolute uncertainties...

And now

Like a sail ship at night,

I sail away

To another life now......

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