Wednesday, 13 June 2018


She is  Vincible when she's in love with you,   gives you her body, soul and all,
and when you're done with her,
you throw her right in the trash cane and label her as 'just the same'
Yet she is fuckin invincible as she walks out to find her way through the hurt and pain you put her through...

She is shy and afraid that the world will laugh at her after all the things you've said,
yet fuckin brave enough she gets up and moves like a wave! She is Unstoppable!

She's sad that she lost the one thing that mattered most to her, her better half, her bundle of joy alas turned into a blessing in disguise......
But fuckin happy that she is finally free and able to breath,  she can finally feel and give herself the attention she wasted on you! Free to be herself...

She's broken,  her life is taking a drastic change and all she has left is drapetomania....
Yet she's whole,  the broken pieces she uses to create something even more beautiful,  the scars are her fuckin muse.....

Her tears and scars make her ugly yet she's fuckin beautiful! Her pain darkened her soul yet she's pure enough to forgive and let you go!...


Until Love

 Until Love leaves it's holy temple,  Then only do you understand how people go from a pin bright moment into seperate lives..... When t...