Friday, 4 September 2020

If wishes were horses

 If wishes were horses

We'd all be happy and in love

No one would have to cry or fall apart

If wishes were horses

Sugarcoated "I love YOUs" would be very obvious

And we'd all be conscious

If wishes were horses

All of our loved ones would be alive and no one would have to die

So we could all be happy together

If wishes were horses

We'd all have what we wanted and never had to suffer from heartbreak

If wishes were horses

This begger would fly to the moon to catch a star for the one I love

I'd clone a dozen for you .

If wishes were horses

I'd always have you by my side

And we'd never have to miss each other so much...

If wishes were horses

The sun would be blue as the color of your eyes and you'd still be mine...

But wishes are not horses and they don't come true so never mind. 

Say a prayer and you will be fine


  1. Ooh! Yes Prayer sets a tone and adds value to our day to day Life activities.

    1. Indeed. Prayer offers us a certain peace that nothing else can offer when you talk to God about your situation.😊

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Your writing skills are amazing.... Keep it up


Until Love

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