Sunday, 31 January 2021

Of Thinkships (Have you ever)

Have you ever loved someone a million ways and didn't even know how?

Have you ever been sad, lonely, happy, nervous, uncertain, broken?

Have you ever run in the rain or kissed the one you loved in it? Have you ever stayed up all night star gazing, staring at the moon, or thinking about life and asking God why and the universe just how in the world it's mostly been you going through whatever it is that tears you apart?

Have you ever fallen in love with a person who is a reflection of how much you truly love yourself and assures you effortlessly how much you are more than enough without words? Or

Have you ever loved someone so much you were/are afraid to tell them because you imagined how empty life would be when they leave and you can't afford to be so vulnerable to heartbreak because you know that somehow, someday, they would leave you for someone else or the very reason they came to you? Their past (ex) and they left?

Have you ever wanted to make the world a better place for others but really didn't have the means to do so and it made you feel sad or cry because there is nothing you can do to help?

Have you ever wanted to talk to someone about so many things that break you inside so badly but you're afraid they'd judge you and you wish you could meet a total stranger that could feel you and listen?

Have you ever been so afraid of failure, of not being the person your family expects you to be because deep inside you all you want to be is just a simple person and do so many other things that truly make you happy instead, but you somehow you have to make them happy?

Have you ever wanted to jump off a cliff so bad or give up because nothing made sense anymore but you couldn't because the love in your heart for the people you care deeply about just can't let you go and leave them as broken as you are and you can't imagine them going through exactly what you did in that moment?

Have you ever lost a loved one to death, addictions or distance that it left you confused and utterly broken that they literally took away a part of you with them?

Have you ever just taken off on a bus or train or plane to another place just so you can forget or feel a little better, see something different, be in a other space and maybe talk to a total stranger so you can feel better?

Well you are not alone. There's so much hope, am with you, sometimes broken and confused. If you ever feel this way, there's no reason to go through it alone, no reason to be sad, let it burn you but find someone to talk to. I promise you will feel better. You will be alright.♥️

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