Saturday, 27 January 2024

That Girl

 They say blunt force breaks glass, but so does resonance

I am that girl standing underneath the golden tree for my turn to pick up the falling golden leaves in spring time, beneath a tree so beautiful than I could begin to wonder.

I am that girl,

that girl improving my music, my poetry, 

that girl dancing on the shore. No matter what comes my way, I stand here and sing and dance to the music of the sea so beautifully as the waves on it.

I am that girl freely floating ,

Floating in the salt lake that life has specially built around me. I am that girl most traveled to escape and deal with emotions that hang on the balance of my not so sad life. I am that girl now living life, a life I thought was impossible to live. 

A life of Love and freedom and grace.

I am that girl traveling towards everything beautiful because it was meant for me. The girl giving all the love as it should be. A girl happily and madly in love with being me.

The Death Of Me

 What I want,

What I truly desire,

Braiding your tangled hair

Touching your beautiful manly large feet 

I want to taste your flaws, your lips wet with mine

Your arms when your warm white flesh touches mine, your magic embrace

Your kisses against my face

To lay down with you every night and morning

You still live in me and my soul cries for the death of me.

When I looked into your eyes, they were like clocks that stopped when I stared into them

In these moments, everything began to speak

Only in languages love is understood.

The death of me made music with me, music my soul has been dancing to ever since.

He put paintings of life in my imaginations and made me smile like nobody else can

His eyes brought back emotions I couldn't control.

It is the death of me that showed me that love and passion rule over preparation

And made me more independent.

The death of me was a he and he understood me

The death of me loved me so deeply as I him.

And still,

Whatever happened with us, your body haunts mine, tender and slow and the incense I am burning over you brings back every memory of you.

Tu es ma mort


Saturday, 20 January 2024

On Someday Isle

Someday you will leave that unhappy house and never look back 

And I believe that someday,

you will be happy again, you will be free and you will be okay with being you.

I hope that someday your eyes meet the love of your life and never have to part again. 

I hope that you can be with someone else that will love you more than you ever dreamed of. 

Someday, you will find someone whose words form a bandage which mends your wounds.


Someday, all your dreams will come true and everything you ever wanted will happen. Someday, you will inspire others through your stories.

Someday you will realize that you are indeed an amazing person and they will miss you like you missed them, 

someday you will understand why things happened the way that they did and someday, 

you will learn how to love yourself again.

I hope that that day starts today.

Tuesday, 9 January 2024

Of Letters. To The Girl

To the girl fighting for life and still loving so hard when all around you broke you,

Darling, you are beautiful, and this world deserves your heart.

To the girl fighting battles silently and still giving out their best ....

You delight the hearts that you touch and your smile is more beautiful than the stars. Keep on smiling.

To the girl that has nothing but love and positive energy and compassion to give even when her world is falling apart,

The universe is deeply and madly in love with you.

Your kindness and strength make everything appear so visible, and darling your loveliness knows no bounds and the earth, 

It opens up with flowers to show for it. Flowers of love, strength, faith, passion, and energy unmatched.

To the girl reading this and looking for reasons to hold on, you are so beautiful this piece finds home in your heart. 

Hold on a little longer and one day. The universe will weave its rewards.

Journeying Life


To pick up the flowers, you got to fight the bumble bee, and so is life.

As you speed out of youth's sunny station and fall down in your hurry, pick your feet up honey and go traveling along.

Enjoy the funniest moments, the best food, and create unforgettable memories and want the best things for yourself. For all that you gather and all that you keep, you must leave when you fall asleep.

So Trump along over the highway of life, knowing not what's ahead but still doing your best and loving the rest!

Live on

What will you do with your one, umtamed and dear life? Die for love or live the reason you were born?

In a minute you could make a new friend or lose one,

Find your true love or lose the wrong one

Or see a life start or end.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly and listen to others

For as the best books are yet to be written and the best songs yet to be sung, the best is yet to come.

Cheer up, the world is young, and remember that you become who you are in the moments you live life on the line.


Until Love

 Until Love leaves it's holy temple,  Then only do you understand how people go from a pin bright moment into seperate lives..... When t...