Monday, 13 April 2020

Of Past obliviations

Let's just forget

How we once fell deeply in love and bled
How we thought the world would but never end..
How it felt to be lost in those eyes and held in those arms
How it felt when our hands intertwined
How we danced to the rhythym of love at hand...

Let's forget
The color of our skin
The pain of our past
All of our failures at last...
The things we wanted but never had..
How the sun kissed differently on our skin and how we stayed up all night to hear from the ones that meant everything in that very moment..

Let's forget
How we met
How we loved or
How we kissed slowly and breathed heavily when our bodies met
How we cried
How we prayed and how we hoped that forever would be...
How happy they made us
How insane
How crazy and madly in love we were...

Move past the mess and try again,
Without regrets, with a goose egg of expectations,
Feel without a care and fall without limitations, effortlessly in love and embrace the beauty of life Once again.


Until Love

 Until Love leaves it's holy temple,  Then only do you understand how people go from a pin bright moment into seperate lives..... When t...