Friday, 24 November 2023

Cheer up

Through big clouds and storms

Life shouldn't frighten you at all

Be grateful for whoever comes

For each has been sent as a guide from beyond 

Shadows in the wall or voices in the head

Frequent memories that bring forth melancholy or frequent flashbacks in your head

Worries or bumps in the road

Oh cheer up!

We are all dressed for life's short comedy 

Be grateful for lessons learned and all things felt, 

Cheerup, for the world is still young and yours for the taking

This chance. Be of use

In Nostalgia Goggles

 I was a lonely pearl 

Hardened by pain and heartbreak 

Contented with the love I cared to not share and the doors I kept closed.

Not mindful I was loving

Why did a fair omi find me?

And show me that love was after all worth to wear?

Why did he find me 

And filled my heart with flair?

He lured me to his beautiful heart

And woed me joy and glows of happiness instead.

Wore me like knots of silk

And loved me as if God chose him by hand to bring bliss and light.

And now, I am as an artic of midsummer, 

Feeding on the way he burns from me

As I wish upon stars that this melancholy would last only a night so I can surrender to his power naked as a jaybird as slowly

My flair swartens.....

From Pain Galores

 Here I lay in wonder,

Had I but world enough and time,

I would sit down and think which way to go through love's long days.....

Had I but confusion and uncertainty in beginnings, 

I would have loved at a lower rate 

But right now, time's chariot is winging near,

Nearer than I could ever have imagined

And beauty seems to not be found and the long preserved hope has been lost....

Seemingly not to be found and the love that was painted at skies of deep blue could not last a couple of stormy nights...

Now as arbitrary darkness gallops in,

I shut my eyes again and all the world drops dead.

Here I lay.

Back in the realization that one never will have to negotiate their way into a heart that wants them there

And safety sounds like the home i live in. Complete solitude.

Friday, 17 November 2023

To a Phenomenal Woman

 Dearly phenomenal woman

May your love to you be as the mother bird to the waiting nest,

As the regnant moon to the sea,

As joy to the heart that hath first been blest—

For men themselves have wondered  

What they see in you

They try so much

But they can never touch

Your inner mystery.

When you try to show them,  

They still can’t see as it lies 

in the arch of your back,  

The sun of your smile,

The ride of your breasts,

The grace of your style.

You are a woman


So love yourself as the sun it's shine!

It doesn't interest me what planets are squiring your moon,

I say, sit here, breathe, and live

You will love again the stranger I say was yourself.

Give wine. Give bread, light up those candles. 

Give back your heart

to itself, to the stranger who has loved you all your life, whom you ignored

for another, who knows you by heart.

Get up. 

walk into a room

Just as cool as you please,

Embrace with grace the swing in your waist,  

And the joy in your feet.  

For you are a woman


Phenomenal woman,

Your heart broke again, but take it back now and place it back gracefully into the place of truly love.

 Feast on your life.

Letters and a confused heart.

Heart clenching.
Is something fading?

I wish he could know what I am too scared to show

I wish he could see just how much he means to me..

I wish he could hear all the things that I fear, about him never believing that my love for him is growing.....

I took a step into the unknown,  never wanting to look back

Loving him with all the ways I have ever known and day by day, I hold him close to my heart though shattered apart. Wondering why he would easily turn me away.

Sometimes, his words cut deep into my soul but then my love reminds me that I gave unto him my heart and relinquished my soul...

I want to love him in ways I do not know...

With passion wide and love so vast am wishing upon stars and night that pain and sadness remaineth things of thy past.

Until Love

 Until Love leaves it's holy temple,  Then only do you understand how people go from a pin bright moment into seperate lives..... When t...