Friday, 24 November 2023

From Pain Galores

 Here I lay in wonder,

Had I but world enough and time,

I would sit down and think which way to go through love's long days.....

Had I but confusion and uncertainty in beginnings, 

I would have loved at a lower rate 

But right now, time's chariot is winging near,

Nearer than I could ever have imagined

And beauty seems to not be found and the long preserved hope has been lost....

Seemingly not to be found and the love that was painted at skies of deep blue could not last a couple of stormy nights...

Now as arbitrary darkness gallops in,

I shut my eyes again and all the world drops dead.

Here I lay.

Back in the realization that one never will have to negotiate their way into a heart that wants them there

And safety sounds like the home i live in. Complete solitude.

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