Tuesday, 8 March 2016


At the verge of night,
I lay down on my bed, with my head on the edge.....
My room all black
My night mares come back...
Its my past that won't retire...

I regret the moments I took for granted,
Moments I was eaten up by pride and hatred....
Am all alone, and its all in my head, you won't understand.

What happened to the life I had?
The one that was all cheesey and easy.....

I was impatient and naive.
I let people take advantage of me..
The desire to explore,
Pushed my life to the core, and now my heart is sore,
It can't feel anymore...

I thought I could find love and hold it....
Blindly, I went for it...
Gave in and tried to hold on to someone I thought felt the same...
My heart's tattoo had his name...
I only caused myself heartache and pain...

The choices I made
Got me mentally abused,
Physically misused...
But thanks to God, all the tears I cried finally fused.

Its the choices I made that landed me here today,
So whether or not I like it, I must strive to make it,
Pick up my personal pieces and give to this life a reason,
To go on through each and every season.......

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