Wednesday, 13 December 2023

O Goddess of Freedom

 It is as if everything else has slept...

Many of memories forgotten and lost,

The mates that were,

The things done long and not long before

This freedom restored.

The moon and I,

There's none less free than who.

Stars are just stars and the moon, a moon.

For deeds cannot dream what dreams can do...  

Fierce was the flame while it lasted,

Heart of my heart,

Pain of my pain,

Have I offered thee .. 

Goddess of freedom

Aphrodite, restore...

Goddess of freedom and life-loving,

As the daisies run on the dunes to sea

Shall over the world my soul go free.

And over the world to sing and roam,

To dance and eat,

Make glad my feet,

To be carefree and run as the winds do, soft and fleet.

With this freedom, restore

Life to the limbs of me... 

Cast me to the core.

Goddess of freedom,

Now I know how good it is to be forgotten and forget.

To forget the friendships, the hardships and all the people you wish you never met...

In these moments, 

To think of life is sweet.

The shackles fall and drop about one's feet.

Now it seems the world and life are all complete...

As I stand at the grave of everything lost, dreaming of what I will do.

Now that I am free,

Goddess of freedom,

Cast me to the core.

Saturday, 9 December 2023

Fallen Flame

I will not carry your heart from the flicker

For my heart's demise is what you cost..

I will not lose my mind or my eyes

Four hundred and fifteen times

Or drawn in depression 

Or sit in the comfort of sharing the woes of our two paged love story

I will go bankrupt of sorrow or thoughts of you

And be happy, 

That I know.

I will be doing this alone

As I have no twin soul or twin flame 

For impatient hearts, indecisive minds

And narcissistic men.

I will follow to the flames

And drag you back with fumes in it.

I will forget our meadow,

Where we used to roam 

Where we used to laugh and smile and dance and lay under the candle light and forget all the troubles of life

But one thing I will never forget?

A thing you will never ever know......

Sunday, 3 December 2023

Dear friend

Dear friend,

I don't think you will ever fully understand 

Just how you have touched my heart

How truly special you are

And all the love I have to give....

Like a tree planted in desert land 

You stayed through bad days and stormy nights

And grew with me through whatever seasons came...

Dear friend,

To me, you'll never be old

Through winters cold and summers hot,

You will always be a love I want to hold...

Dear friend

You are my needs answered

A field in whom I saw with love and imperfections and reap with Thanksgiving 

My board and fireside

In you, my trust resides..

Through the bashful nights of November and the forceful light of summer

You never left my side.

I love you

Not only for what you are 

But for what I am when I am with you.

For what you are making of me,

I love you because you have done more than any creed could have done.

Dear friend

As I write

I think awhile of you

And as I think,

Your love to me is a world

Only meat and sweetest drinks 

And a close connecting link between earth and kingdom come.

Dear friend

I just want to say I love you in ways that I cannot express and I am grateful to have you a friend.

Saturday, 2 December 2023

Dear love

Dear love

I seek to return to thy alcove
As softly as browned-eyed angels rive.
To give thee my kisses and heart as cold as the moon and deathly as the crimson tide...

Dear love
you have left me in unknown ways without companion
And my mind to woe as my life lies in fortune's hand....

The night,
It is a great thing
A great thing to me,.with candles lit, I reminisce the nights of bliss we lay with bodies craving the other and our hearts in love revelry as we kissed...

Dear love,
None of them have brought forth that joy
The night or day
As they come pale as season grieves...

Dear love, 
How did I love thee?
To the depth, breadth and height my soul could reach...
To the level of everyday's quiet need,
By sun and candle lit,
With my childhood's faith

Dear love,
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose.....
Lost to life's uncertainties and words that end

Friday, 24 November 2023

Cheer up

Through big clouds and storms

Life shouldn't frighten you at all

Be grateful for whoever comes

For each has been sent as a guide from beyond 

Shadows in the wall or voices in the head

Frequent memories that bring forth melancholy or frequent flashbacks in your head

Worries or bumps in the road

Oh cheer up!

We are all dressed for life's short comedy 

Be grateful for lessons learned and all things felt, 

Cheerup, for the world is still young and yours for the taking

This chance. Be of use

In Nostalgia Goggles

 I was a lonely pearl 

Hardened by pain and heartbreak 

Contented with the love I cared to not share and the doors I kept closed.

Not mindful I was loving

Why did a fair omi find me?

And show me that love was after all worth to wear?

Why did he find me 

And filled my heart with flair?

He lured me to his beautiful heart

And woed me joy and glows of happiness instead.

Wore me like knots of silk

And loved me as if God chose him by hand to bring bliss and light.

And now, I am as an artic of midsummer, 

Feeding on the way he burns from me

As I wish upon stars that this melancholy would last only a night so I can surrender to his power naked as a jaybird as slowly

My flair swartens.....

From Pain Galores

 Here I lay in wonder,

Had I but world enough and time,

I would sit down and think which way to go through love's long days.....

Had I but confusion and uncertainty in beginnings, 

I would have loved at a lower rate 

But right now, time's chariot is winging near,

Nearer than I could ever have imagined

And beauty seems to not be found and the long preserved hope has been lost....

Seemingly not to be found and the love that was painted at skies of deep blue could not last a couple of stormy nights...

Now as arbitrary darkness gallops in,

I shut my eyes again and all the world drops dead.

Here I lay.

Back in the realization that one never will have to negotiate their way into a heart that wants them there

And safety sounds like the home i live in. Complete solitude.

Friday, 17 November 2023

To a Phenomenal Woman

 Dearly phenomenal woman

May your love to you be as the mother bird to the waiting nest,

As the regnant moon to the sea,

As joy to the heart that hath first been blest—

For men themselves have wondered  

What they see in you

They try so much

But they can never touch

Your inner mystery.

When you try to show them,  

They still can’t see as it lies 

in the arch of your back,  

The sun of your smile,

The ride of your breasts,

The grace of your style.

You are a woman


So love yourself as the sun it's shine!

It doesn't interest me what planets are squiring your moon,

I say, sit here, breathe, and live

You will love again the stranger I say was yourself.

Give wine. Give bread, light up those candles. 

Give back your heart

to itself, to the stranger who has loved you all your life, whom you ignored

for another, who knows you by heart.

Get up. 

walk into a room

Just as cool as you please,

Embrace with grace the swing in your waist,  

And the joy in your feet.  

For you are a woman


Phenomenal woman,

Your heart broke again, but take it back now and place it back gracefully into the place of truly love.

 Feast on your life.

Letters and a confused heart.

Heart clenching.
Is something fading?

I wish he could know what I am too scared to show

I wish he could see just how much he means to me..

I wish he could hear all the things that I fear, about him never believing that my love for him is growing.....

I took a step into the unknown,  never wanting to look back

Loving him with all the ways I have ever known and day by day, I hold him close to my heart though shattered apart. Wondering why he would easily turn me away.

Sometimes, his words cut deep into my soul but then my love reminds me that I gave unto him my heart and relinquished my soul...

I want to love him in ways I do not know...

With passion wide and love so vast am wishing upon stars and night that pain and sadness remaineth things of thy past.

Friday, 25 August 2023

Dear love

 It was the moment that I stared into your eyes that the universe halted. 

It was in that moment that everything dead in me began to breath. Even though I was not yours and still not, as I was, I am still lost in you as a candle lit at noon.

So whatever happens with us, your body will haunt mine tender, your touch on my body will remain firm, protective and searching...

Whatever happens,  this is.

Sunday, 16 July 2023

Of Life and Time

 Tick tock, tick tock

People I thought I once knew
walk by without a clue.
The times we once shared
exist as if I were never there, time is flying, some friends have died, some I have just lost to life and situations
and I never know when we'll say our last goodbye.
Oh, how I wish I could turn back time,
spend it with loved ones and cherish what is still mine. Life and the few people that still think I matter.
Whatever got you, whatever broke us, I just hope that if you are alive and reading this. All gets well for you.
Love from this distance,

Monday, 12 June 2023


 To once more bee free

Happiness is being home again 

Walking in the rain and waking with no pain.

Happiness is peace of mind like a free ride..

Happiness is knowing everyone you love is happy and in good health.

Happiness is the little things that spark joy when you least expect. Happiness is the simple things. 

But if happiness was a minute's pause, or a moment's thought, life would be an hour glass on the run, and like a mist retreating from the morning sun.

If the world was all love before us, happiness would definitely lie around we.

Sunday, 11 June 2023


 From I love Yous,  to I miss yous, to nothing new......Just awkward silence and busy days or lost signals

It's in these moments I remember how it used to be, the days we called just to say hi or talk for a while and it was hard to say goodbye...

In moments like these, the bright stars shiver in distance as I love him fully and think about the times he loved me too.

I reminisce of the moments my hands held on to his,  as we walked in streets or made love in places we stayed....

In these moments, I remember how I felt the first time he held me in his arms,  when time stood still as we stayed in each other's arms and nothing else mattered. When we made music and eye contacts from our souls but all is gone.....

In moments like these, I wish I could turn back the time, to feel how his hands held me and how his lips kissed mine. In moments like this, I miss him dearly as I slowly forget his love as it doesn't seem to be there anymore.....

And in this moment, when I am still in love with him and the deep despair of lovers rumble, my heart is bruised and my soul crumbled....

In this moment, I should be talking to him but I can see just how there's going to be no more of me with him and now my heart is getting used to being alone.

In this very moment, my heart tires.

Thursday, 1 June 2023

Of Two Men

One calls me beautiful 
And the other thinks I can be cute

One honours me with trust and a safe space
And the other constantly justifies everything he does and blames me for not trusting him

One needs me 
And the other one wants me around for as long as he can wait to put his life together 

One has found the capacity to love me in ways undreamed
And the other one gives me reasons to question if his love is always there...

One warms me like a warm blanket 
And the other hopes that I can keep warm

One hides his feelings
And the other wears his proudly on his sleeves

One dreams to make me his wife
And the other one is willing to take me as a wife.

One cannot live to see me sad
And the other one doesn't usually notice when am saddened.

One goes out of his way to make things right 
And the other proudly stays in the ways of his culture and hopes that I'd be fine with it 

Both make me laugh and smile
But one feels close and the other very distant from love.

Be Happy and Love

As the sun hosts you in blue, blue sky,

Pour a glass of your favourite wine and sing along to your favourite songs of merry for you and that soul you behold where made for love.

As the beautiful day unfolds,

Look for, and find a stranger who is troubled within their soul, and in despair and lend a helping hand where you can. Lead him through the day with love and kindness so he may see that the world is fair.

As the sun fades and gives way to the night,

Think about how the earth grows green on a thousand hills and a million birds by a million rills make beautiful music for the beautiful creation there is...

Feel that this life is all for you and so are the joys and peace every passing night brings.

And now as you wake to see another day,

I hope that you can love and care for the next person, share the little you have and be grateful for life in all situations because this life was made for you and you for it.

So be happy and LOVE!

She finds herself Letting go

 She finds herself letting go without a thought or compromise ,She's letting go of the confluence of opinions swarming around her head...All the memories, ideas and emotions holding her back,

The anxiety, the worries of what will be. What if this never returns? The fear of moving on.

She finds herself letting go as her love doesn't seem to notice the pain she may be going through as she watches him live without a care.

She finds herself letting go as she holds on to love, to what remains after all the pain is put away...

As the nerves sit ceremonious like tombs. Her dense heart questions how he cannot see that it's not about trust.....

She finds herself letting go as she finally breathes her pain like fresh air and bleeds through the heart like night terror..

She lets go as the less she controls, the more she gets to grow and realizes that she cannot do it for someone else anymore regardless of all the care.....

She finds herself letting go 

As she realizes that she cannot control another as much as she does not want to try and change the other.......   

I  hope you can find yourself letting go when it feels like you have to fear for what is to be. 

Sunday, 14 May 2023

Life Lately

Life lately has been excitement and mystery impossible to resist....

Full of connections as strong as was true.....

Life lately

Has been holding on to happiness that I never really had.

Holding on to love that was never really mine.

Life lately 

Has been smiles struggling to be more than a just a grin

And laughter that barely held on to true happiness. 

Life lately

Has been magic...

To love so deeply, easily and truly, and now

It has started to disappear....

Life lately 

Had been living with a part of me,

Soft kisses and blissful moments and now....

It's time he let's me go.....

Life lately 

Has been dreaming of love, forever and how to live like that....

A million questions that where never really answered but now all I can do is ask myself how.

And Life lately,

Has finally been pain and deep connections and emotions flowing in waves of absolute uncertainties...

And now

Like a sail ship at night,

I sail away

To another life now......

Until Love

 Until Love leaves it's holy temple,  Then only do you understand how people go from a pin bright moment into seperate lives..... When t...